Richard Serra on Drawing

Richard Serra is, for me, one of the contemporary masters of drawing in his words

"to see is to think and drawing is another way of thinking."

I like the way he thinks and there are some great video interviews with Serra published online about the importance of drawing in his practice, here's just a few I found particularly illuminating.

Richard Serra on drawing as visual note-taking 2:27

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. Artist Richard Serra discusses his sketches of a Le Corbusier building in Ronchamp, France, as an example of an architectural space that has inspired him.

A Conversation with Richard Serra 53:04 

Richard Serra on his Drawing retrospective at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, April 13, 2011 - August 28, 2011, with Magdalena Dabrowski and Lynne Cooke.

Richard Serra on his Drawing  23:52

Richard Serra talking about his Drawing retrospective at The Metropolitan Museum of Art  with Charlie Rose, april 2011 on HBO. Rose is completely out of his depth and verges on insulting with his hopelessly stupid questions however despite the interviewer Serra remains eloquant and inspiring.